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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2023-03-22 18:15:02 |  访问:18448


china pharmaceutical university is a prestigious institution with a long history, distinctive features, and excellent academic atmosphere. it is directly affiliated with the ministry of education as one of the national double first-class universities (first-class discipline). it is among the first batch of higher education institutions in china authorized to grant doctoral and master's degrees. the university offers solid pharmacy and traditional chinese medicine-related programs, along with various innovation platforms. additionally, it offers a well-rounded and diverse curriculum that covers both pharmacy and traditional chinese medicine disciplines. please visit the official websitehttp://www.cpu.edu.cnfor more details.


合作导师何牟欣亚,中国药科大学教授,博士生导师,入选国家高层次人才计划。2014年于新加坡南洋理工大学获得博士学位并从事博士后研究,2022年8月加入中国药科大学中药学院。以第一作者(或者共同第一作者)在jacs, pnas, acs catalysis,new phytologist,organic letters等国际知名期刊发表多篇研究论文,申请国际和国内发明专利2项。担任frontiers in nutrition, molecules等学术期刊特邀编委。







the group leader is professor xinya hemu, recipient of china pharmaceutical university’s high-level talent introduction program, ncsf distinguished overseas young talent. she received her ph.d. from nanyang technological university, singapore, in 2014 and pursued postdoctoral research before joining the school of traditional chinese medicine at china pharmaceutical university in august 2022. as the first author (or co-first author), she has published numerous research articles in internationally renowned journals such as jacs, pnas, acs catalysis, new phytologist, and organic letters, and has applied for two international and domestic patents. she is also an invited editor for academic journals such as frontiers in nutrition and molecules.

hemu’s research group primarily focuses on the design and synthesis of stable peptide drugs. natural stable peptides are a class of underexplored drug-like active molecules with high stability and high bioavailability, making them excellent precursors for biopharmaceuticals. however, their mechanistic research and druggability are limited by their low natural expression levels. therefore, the analysis of their synthetic pathways and the development of artificial synthesis techniques are critical for new drug development based on natural stable peptides.

the main research areas include:

(1)systematic study of natural peptide synthetic enzymes on discovery, design, modification, and application on drug synthesis

(2)development of chemical synthesis technology for stable active peptides

(3)peptide drug design based on stable peptide scaffolds, virtual screening, and functional validation

two post-doctoral positions are open for application with no immediate closing date. the research group guarantees compensation, and fully supports the scientific research development of postdoctoral researchers.

















position #1: phd students who are nearing the completion of or have recently completed their studies in bioinformatics / computational biology / structural biology and are considering a postdoctoral position as the next stage in their career development. priority will be given to candidates with a research background in enzymology.


1.research work related to protein structure, md, qm/mm, machine learning model construction for structure-function relationship atlas, development of virtual screening platform;

2.assist in grant application and management;

3.guide graduate students in their research work.

position #2: phd students who are nearing the completion of or have recently completed their studies in biology / pharmacology and are considering a postdoctoral position as the next stage in their career development. priority will be given to candidates with a research background in cell biology, experimental animal science, and electrophysiology.


1.research works related to the establishment of in vitro and in vivo activity testing platforms for lead drugs, as well as pharmacological analysis;

2.assist in grant application and management;

3.guide graduate students in their research work.


1.have published articles(or with the acceptance letter) as the first author in peer-reviewed sci journals;

2.professional writing and reading skills, able to actively track recent research papers in the field, and independently complete sci article writing;

3.strong communication and execution skills, capable of conducting research independently and managing project under guidance;

4.passionate about scientific research, positive and optimistic, with a strong sense of responsibility and team collaboration, with a determined pursuit of academic excellence.





the shortlisted candidate will be appointed as a postdoctoral researcher in pharmaceutical sciences with an annual salary of approximately 280,000 rmb. during the postdoctoral period, the researcher will enjoy employee benefits (public medical insurance, housing provident fund, and benefits related to the university labor union). those who achieve outstanding results in teaching and research can enjoy the corresponding reward policies of the university. after completing the postdoctoral position, candidates can apply for a formal lecturer or associate researcher position. for specific requirements and compensation details, please refer to“china pharmaceutical university postdoctoral work management measures (trial implementation)”https://rsc.cpu.edu.cn/67/83/c4819a157571/page.htm.

the research group will assist in applying for national, provincial, and ministerial-level projects, as well as postdoctoral funding provided by relevant organizations (e.g. outstanding postdoctoral program of jiangsu province (150,000 rmb/year) ).

四、申请材料documents for application

·个人简历及相关支持材料resume and supporting documents

·代表性科研成果representative research achievements

·求职信(简述科研兴趣和发展规划)cover letter (briefly introduce your research interests and future plan)

·3封推荐信(由推荐人直接发送至联系人邮箱)three recommendation letters (to be sent directly by the recommender to the contact’s email)



how to apply

interested applicants should send their application materials (except the recommendation letters) via email tohemuxinya@cpu.edu.cn(dr. hemu). please indicate postdoc application + your name in the email subject line. all application materials will be treated with strict confidentiality. after an initial review, the research group will arrange interviews for qualified candidates as soon as possible.






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【 责任编辑:高校小招 】





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